The Asociación Parroquial of the Borriquita


Asociación Parroquial of the Sagrada Entrada of Jesús at Jerusalén, Santísimo Cristo of Amor and Nuestra Señora of Rosario and Palma.


The first known date of the Brotherhood is the year of the Lord 1645, being its origin prior to that date, but it cannot be accredited because documents prior to that date have been lost. Its titular images are a Christ, which, as its title indicates, is tied to the column, and a Sevillian-style Sorrowful Virgin. The Christ was made by the famous image-maker Antonio Castillo Lastrucci in 1943, and five years later he made the Sorrowful Virgin.
The Brotherhood has been canonically established since time immemorial in the Parish Church of Santa María de la Asunción de la Villa de Guadalcanal (Seville), where the sacred titular images are worshipped. 

The main external act of worship of this Brotherhood is its Penitence Station, which is carried out annually through the streets of Guadalcanal on the afternoon of Holy Thursday with its titular images of the Holy Christ tied to the Column and Mary of the Cross, accompanied by the body of Nazarenes dressed in black cotton tunics, green buttons and cingulo and green satin cloak with the embroidered shield of the Brotherhood at the level of the right forearm. As its rules indicate, on the Monday before Ash Wednesday, the Solemn Quinary to the Most Holy
Quinario al Santísimo Cristo Amarrado a la Columna, which will constitute the main internal worship of the Brotherhood, since on the Saturday of the same week, the first Saturday of Lent, and as the culmination of the Quinario, the Brotherhood will celebrate the Solemn Main Function of the Institute with the oath to these Rules after the Solemn and Public Protestation of Faith of all the Brothers. 


During the first fortnight of the month of May, in keeping with a tradition that goes back to the ancestors of our Corporation, the Brotherhood will devote Besamanos to María Santísima de la Ruz for a whole weekend in the Parish Church of Santa María de la Asunción. Coinciding with the Function and Besamanos to the Blessed Virgin, and as is the tradition of Guadalcanal and of our Brotherhood, the feast of the Cross of May will be celebrated, with the celebration of a Holy Mass or relevant prayer for all the participants and the external procession of traditional May Crosses through the streets of our town.