Sin título-2-Recuperado

Visita Guadalcanal

Convent of San Francisco (Municipal Cemetery)


The foundation was promoted by Enrique Enríquez, Commander Major of the Province of León of the Order of Santiago, (maternal uncle of Don Fernando el Católico and grandson of Don Fabrique Enríquez and a Jewish woman from Guadalcanal nicknamed “La Paloma”) and his wife Doña María de Luna, on a trip they made to Guadalcanal in 1489.


Construction began on an ancient hermitage of great devotion, called Nuestra Señora de la Piedad (Our Lady of Piety). It was inaugurated on the day of San Felipe and Santiago, with a solemn procession from the parish church of Santa María, on the 1st of May 1495. In the visitation books of the Order of Santiago, this monastery is mentioned in 1496 and 1515. It had 24 friars in 1591, 32 in 1646 and 50 in 1747. On 31st December 1835, with the exclaustration, worship in the Convent was suppressed, and the images were transferred to Santa María, including that of La Soledad. Current Municipal Cemetery.

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