Sin título-2-Recuperado

Visita Guadalcanal

Convent of San José de la Penitencia (Santa Clara)


On 10 March 1582, by a will granted in the city of La Plata (Peru), the son of the town, Captain Jerónimo González de Alanís, donated 30,000 pesos to found this Convent, which was carried out by Fray Antonio Delgado (Guardian of the Convent of San Francisco), Fray Diego de Espinosa (Father Provincial) and Doña Catalina López (la Rincona), sister of the founder and wife of Don Cristóbal Muñoz, by a deed granted in Madrid on 4 May 1591. Assigning 408,000 maravedís to the Convent, 108,000 to the Chaplain, 27,200 to the Patron and 38,953 of principal to the granary.


The first six nuns entered on 28th April 1593, coming from Belvis (Cáceres). In 1646, the community consisted of twenty-seven nuns and three donated nuns (women who, without being nuns, lived in retirement in the convent), with Mother Francisca de la Encarnación as abbess.

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